5 Most Common Causes Of Volvo S60 Fuel Gauge Not Working!
The Volvo S60 fuel gauge can stop working for multiple reasons. The most common cause of fuel gauge failure is any problem with the fuel-sending unit, other major causes include blown fuse, faulty wiring and grounding, worn out circuit and instrument cluster, and a broken fuel gauge itself.
Before you make up your mind to replace the whole fuel gauge unit, let’s explore the options you have to fix your fuel gauge at home and save yourself a hefty amount.
5 Reasons Your Volvo S60 Fuel Gauge Is Not Working

As discussed earlier, there are multiple points from where Volvo S60 fuel gauge problems can arise. As the fuel gauge unit has many parts, it’s important to detect the source of the error and fix it accordingly.
The problems can present to you with different symptoms. Those symptoms also help detect the origin of the problem.
A fuel gauge consists of a fuel-sending unit, connected to a circuit and instrument cluster, the cluster is protected by a fuse, and finally, the gauge receives information from the sender unit. An electronic module coordinates the whole unit.
Below, I tried to break down the reasons for a broken fuel gauge in the Volvo S60 according to the source.
Check For A Fault In Fuel Sending Unit
In most cases, the fuel-sending unit is at fault when the fuel gauge stops working.
It does the job with three important parts: a Float, a metal arm, and a variable resistor. Let’s break down how a broken Volvo S60 fuel gauge presents to you:
Fuel Gauge Pointer Fixed On Full
When your fuel gauge pointer or indicator is stuck on full, the problem is associated with the variable resistor. The resistor receives changes in voltage from the movement of the metal arm. The movement of the wiper can damage the strip on the resistor.
This leads to an open circuit. Worn-out wires coming down from the sending unit can also cause this problem by sending high-voltage signals all the time.
Fuel Gauge Pointer Fixed On Empty
Sometimes, the pointer is fixed on empty. This can be an issue due to miscommunication between the float and the metal arm.
When the float separates from the metal arm, it cannot relay the changes to the resistor and the rest of the unit. A damaged resistor can also cause this by blocking the signals.
Fuel Gauge Pointer Flickering
If you see a flickering pointer in the fuel gauge, it can be an error in the float and metal arm. The error is mostly mechanical. The metal arm shifts position on its own or due to the movement of the car causing the gauge to show inaccurate readings.
Detect The Fault And Fix The Fuel Sending Unit
You have to use different methods to detect errors in different parts of the sending unit. These are the tools you’d require:
- Multimeter
- Screwdriver and other tools
- Service manual
Follow these instructions to detect the fault:
- First, take out the fuel-sending unit from the top of the fuel tank. You can now manually change the position of the metal arm to see the changes in resistance.
- Take out the fuel-sending unit from the gasket and remove the wires and fuel line.
- Clean the surrounding area.
- Set the multimeter to the Ohms setting.
- Connect the voltage feedback pin of the sending unit to the multimeter. The other end of the unit will be connected to the fuel gauge.
- Now manually move the float arm in different directions.
- If the sending unit is working fine, you’ll see a change in Ohms in the meter.
- If the Ohms reading is changing but the gauge is stuck, the problem is associated with wiring.
- If the Ohms reading is not changing, you need to replace the fuel-sending unit.
Blown a fuse Can Cause The Gauge To Stop Working
The gauge is protected by a fuse. If the fuse is at fault, the pointer will stop working completely. If other gauges in your S60 are working fine, you might need to check the fuse.
Detect And Fix The Fault In Your Fuel Gauge Fuse
The fuse is located in the fuel gauge. Take out the fuse and inspect it. If it’s blown, replace it with another fuse. This will do the trick.
Faulty Wiring In The Sending Unit And Fuel Gauge
The wires connecting the sending unit to the fuel gauge can wear out over time. Corrosion and moisture can damage the wires. A worn-out wiring system will cause fluctuation in voltage, causing the fuel gauge to malfunction.
Fix Any Problem With Wiring And Grounding
Check if the top of the sending unit is intact or not.
- If there’s any dirt in the connections, clean them.
- Use the multimeter and fix it at 20 volts.
- Connect the input connector to the meter and check the voltage. The voltage should be between 0.54V to 3.96V. If the voltage is lower or higher, the wires from the battery might be at fault.
- Now connect the wires connecting the fuel-sending unit with the fuel gauge.
- If the voltages from the two ends are not the same, the wire needs to be replaced.
Fault In Instrument Cluster And Circuit
Sometimes the circuit connecting the resistor and the fuel gauge can malfunction. In the worst-case scenario, your instrument cluster can get damaged.
In both cases, the fuel gauge will stop working completely.
Check If There’s Any Error Code
If your fuel gauge is malfunctioning and you see an error code on the dashboard, you have to scan it using an OBD-ll scanner. Two common error codes are CEM-4AXX and REM-4AXX.
Replacing The Instrument Cluster Is The Only Solution
Once you’ve diagnosed the issue, the only thing left now is to replace your instrument cluster or the broken circuit. In a Volvo S60, it might cost you around $500-$1200 excluding the labor fee.
Check out this article on the Volvo S60 instrument cluster not working issue for better understanding.
Broken Fuel Gauge
If you have checked all the parts mentioned above, and found no errors, this could be bad news for you. In that case, the fuel gauge itself is broken. The gauge will only work when the tank is half-filled full or empty.
Short circuits are the root cause of fuel gauge failure.
Get Yourself A New Fuel gauge
Check your fuel gauge with a multimeter. If you’re not getting a 12V reading in the meter, the fuel gauge is at fault. Unfortunately, there is no other solution other than replacing your fuel gauge. Contact your Volvo dealer if you’re under a warranty, they can arrange the replacement for free.
Fuel gauges are meant to last for a lifetime. However, the parts can encounter mechanical errors or damage due to many reasons. I tried to sum up the main reasons for the Volvo S60 fuel gauge not working issue.
Try to follow the instructions and troubleshoot accordingly. If there’s anything beyond your capability, don’t forget to get help from a Volvo technician. Remember, any delay in fixing the fuel gauge can lead to troubles in the future and lead to error codes.
If your dashboard is showing a warning message, check out my article on Volvo S60 reduced engine performance.