5 Causes Of Volvo S60 Reduced Engine Performance Message
The ‘Reduced Engine Performance’ message can pop up for multiple causes in your Volvo S60. When the Control module detects a problem with the Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) or other parts of the car, it’ll send this as a warning. The main causes include issues with fuel, air intake, mechanical issues, electrical malfunction, exhaust problems, reduced lubrication, or cooling issues.
There can be hundreds of causes for this message. But, with the right guidelines and direction, you can easily sort this out. Let’s dig deeper into this problem.
Volvo S60 Reduced Engine Performance- Potential Causes

As I’ve mentioned earlier, the Reduced engine performance message in your Volvo S60 is its way of letting you know that something is wrong with it. As this message is not specific to any particular part, there can be hundreds of underlying causes.
It can be as simple as a loose connection or split in the hose pipe to something as serious as a blown engine.
To make it easy for you to understand, I tried to classify the problems according to my experience and my research within the Volvo forums.
#1: Problems With The Engine
The most common causes of the ‘Reduced Engine Performance’ warning message are somehow related to the engine or the engine sensors. When the engine sensors start malfunctioning or the engine parts start wearing off, you might come across this warning.
The common problems of an engine include overheating, problems with the spark plug, jammed radiator, poor lubrication, engine misfires, issues with the transmission, blown head gasket, rough idle, and problems with the sensors.
A faulty throttle sensor is responsible for most of the Reduced engine performance warning messages.
#2: Problems With Other Sensors
Modern Volvo S60s are equipped with many electrical sensors that regulate the performance of your car. Sometimes the sensors wear off and disrupt the normal integration. When a sensor is at fault, the dashboard displays the message ‘Reduced Engine Performance’.
Volvo S60 Sensors are listed Below
The oxygen sensors, speed sensors, Mass air flow sensors, fuel temperature sensors Crankshaft sensors, coolant temperature sensors, Intake Air Temperature sensors, camshaft position sensors, fuel pressure sensors, Voltage sensors, throttle position sensors, Exhaust temperature sensors are the common target of potential failure.
Oil pressure sensor, Exhaust temperature sensor, and Fuel rail pressure sensor should be checked first if you encounter the Reduced Engine Performance warning message.
#3: Issues Related To Oil/Fuel
Volvo S60 oil/fuel issues can cause the Reduced Engine Performance message to light up. When the fuel compartment or the fuel itself is faulty, the car will show signs of going into limp mode.
Deposition of carbon in the nozzles can lead to a clogged fuel injector which in turn reduces the engine performance. A jammed fuel filter can also be the culprit. It’s also common to see fuel lines leaking or getting clogged by debris.
If nothing works in your case, check the fuel pump as it sometimes malfunctions and fails to provide enough fuel to the engine.
Rarely, does the fuel gauge stop working. I explained further in this article on Volvo S60 fuel gauge not working.
A malfunctioning fuel cap is a common cause of reduced engine performance in the Volvo S60.
Wiring And Other Electrical Causes Of Reduced Engine Performance
Loose wiring can lead to interrupted electrical transmission to the CEM or other parts of your Volvo S60 and send a reduced engine performance message.
The loose connection to CEM under the glovebox can lead to an error code.
Also, a dead battery, faulty alternator, starter motor, fuse box, blown spark plugs, faulty ignition coils, and corroded wires can cause it. The Electronic throttle module is another common target.
The instrument cluster can be malfunctioning too. Find more about it in my article on Volvo S60 instrument cluster not working.
Problems With Air Intake And Air Filter

Thorough research among the S60 owners who have come across this Reduced engine performance has revealed that a large portion of the problem is associated with the air intake and filtration system of the car.
Malfunctioning air mass meter split air filter intake, jammed air intake system, blocked DPF pipe, faulty MAF sensors, and refrigerant leakage are among other common causes of the warning message.
Diagnosing The Cause Of ‘Reduced Engine Performance’ In Volvo S60
Amidst hundreds of causes, it’ll get frustrating for you to diagnose the root of this issue. So, the best you can do is check the ECM error codes with an OBD-ll reader.
You can either buy a code reader or get your vehicle checked by your Volvo dealer.
The code reader will show the stored error codes and also the location of the error. Once you clear the codes, the Reduced engine performance warning will be cleared.
But, sometimes multiple error codes will show up and mask the real issue. In that case, the message might reappear despite fixing the initial problem or replacing the parts.
It’s better to get the codes checked by a professional Volvo mechanic before any expensive parts replacement.
Fix Volvo S60 ‘Reduced Engine Performance’ Issue
Once you’ve scanned the error codes with a code reader, the next step is to fix it according to the code. It’s important to correlate between multiple error codes as some errors lead to other minor mistakes in different components.
Pro Tip: If the error codes suggest replacing any expensive part, try cleaning it thoroughly and check for any loose connection.
Sometimes, the dealers avoid cleaning the affected parts and suggest a part replacement (Especially when your parts replacement warranty is over).
These Are The Signs To Look For If You Face ‘Reduced Engine Performance’ In Volvo S60
Different vehicles show different signs and symptoms before and after the ‘Reduced engine performance’ message appears.
- The vehicle will get very slow.
- The RPMs will not be expected.
- Higher idle.
- The RPMs climb high when the gas pedal is pressed in neutral.
- Limp mode gets activated.
Never Ignore The ‘Reduced Engine Performance’ Warning Message
A lot of people assume the faults to be minor and neglect it. I’d never suggest anyone try restarting the vehicle or plugging and unplugging the battery to clear the warning (Unless it’s a connection error).
This message tries to warn you before there is a major problem that can cost you thousands of dollars. So, as soon as it appears, try to fix the issue. Sometimes a simple issue like a clogged hose pipe can turn into a blown engine.
Warning messages might seem like a hassle, but they’re lifesavers. Volvo S60 reduced engine performance is fairly common and I tried to sum up the causes and your action plan in an easy way.
Take professional help if you fail to diagnose the issue. Remember, the sooner you investigate and fix, the cheaper the fix might be.